Join live on 14th January at 4:30pm Thai | 3pm IST | 10:30am Germany | 8:30pm AU
1-1.5 hrs Free Interview Live on Zoom with Nancy Huettig & Sinu Joseph

Ayurveda and Menstrual Awareness
Menstrual Talk with Sinu Joseph
Saturday, 14th January at 4:30 PM Thai time / 3 PM IST / 10:30 am Germany Live on Zoom.
Ayurveda and menstrual health – Ancient menstrual practices and their impact on women’s health.
What we will talk about in this interview:
How Western Urban Women can benefit from Ayurveda Menstrual Awareness and the ancient menstrual practices
Why do so many women have female disorders, already starting from teenage age
How can western women create more awareness of ancient menstrual practices without feeling discriminated
How can women better communicate and speak about their cycle without shame
Ancient menstrual knowledge is often perceived as discriminatory or misunderstood against women.
It’s time to address the taboos and nip controversy in the bud.
It’s time to bring this ancient practice back to honoring ourselves, to become body and Ayurveda-wise to live healthier, in sync with the rhythm of our natural cycle, living in flow with the body rather than against it.
Sinu Jospeh
Sinu Joseph is the co-founder and managing trustee of Mythri Speaks Trust. She has done extensive action-research in the areas of Menstrual & Reproductive Health since 2009 and traveled across rural India, interacting with thousands of adolescent girls and women directly, to get a first-hand experience of menstrual practices and their impact on women’s health. Stepping aside from the popular narratives which focus on menstrual products, her work has explored native methods, cultural practices around menstruation, and the science behind it. She has written extensively on unearthing the science behind native practices and bringing forth a unique narrative, which is the Bharatiya perspective on menstruation, through her blog. Ṛtu Vidyā: Ancient Science behind Menstrual Practices is the culmination of her decade-long work on menstruation, which will equip the reader to scientifically decode cultural practices.
Nancy Huettig
Nancy Huettig is an Ayurveda Lifestyle Coach & Therapist, Yoga Teacher, Founder of AyuForLife and full-time (unshakable) optimist. Here to awaken the holistic version in all human beings, she teaches body-mind awareness with Ayu4Life one-on-one coachings, consultations, therapies, online courses, masterclasses and Wholistic Island Retreats.
The path of Ayurveda truly changed my life.
When Ayurveda came to her, it felt like meeting a long-lost friend who happened to be the greatest healer she has ever known.
Her Pitta/Vata constitution drives her zest for life, which she leads with a passionate, structured and honest heart. She is equally at home hiking mountains and swinging kettlebells as she is relaxing at the spa in between cuddles with her beloved dog Lucky.
Get yourself ready
1. Make a note with a reminder in your calendar for the 14th of January 2023 at 4:30 pm ICT/ 3 pm IST.
10:30 am Germany | 9:30 am UK | 8:30 pm Australia | 4:30 pm Thailand.
But don’t worry I will send you a kind reminder before the masterclass starts.
2. You will receive a confirmation email with the Zoom link. If you don’t receive an email, please check your spam folder.
If you know someone, who would benefit from my free masterclass, feel welcome to share the event page with your friends and family.
3. Join live on Saturday, 14th January.
I am excited to talk with Sinu Jospeh the author of the book “Rtu Vidya”. We will open the space for a Q&A and you will receive information about the upcoming Ayurveda Menstrual Awareness 4-Week Online Course. If you can’t make it live, don’t be sad, you won’t miss it. I will send the recording afterwards but it’s always better to join in live to connect and be part of the conversation.